New Time Sheet System

Time sheets for pay period 1 are now available to complete. Time sheets for pay period 1 are due Thursday, January 2nd, by 9 AM. Please be aware, the time sheet webpage has been changed. The following link will take you to the new time sheet page.

SETA Time Sheet
Time Sheet Portal Guide – Employee
Timesheet Approval Supervisors – New System


Attached are two guides noting the key differences in the new system; most functionality remains the same. For both managers and employees, there is now a homepage and a menu for additional options. With the changeover to the new system, we are still working through a few kinks and are aware of the following issues:


  • Remote access to Self-Service: the link provided above does not work remotely; we are working to resolve the issue ASAP and will keep you updated. Please complete and return a paper time sheet if you cannot access the on-site link. The paper time sheet is attached with this email.
  • Timecard Completion: the box to enter vacation cash outs, pay diff, and higher duties requires additional configuration; at this time, please email payroll these totals.


You will be notified once these issues have been resolved. If you experience ANY other issues, please notify payroll as this feedback is important to ensure accuracy of system configuration. Screenshots are very helpful for support, if able to be captured.


Please refer to the attached guides and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.


Jessica Cunha

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