CAIZ>>>>Current Trends in Resumes–Offered 10/26/2016

The Capitol Area Innovation Zone (CAIZ) Team invites you to attend a workshop called  “Current Trends in Resumes.”


What employers are looking for in a winning resume.

What are the current trends in resumes.

How to help your client build a resume that gives them a cutting edge against the competition.


See attached flyer for details! Resume Conventions and Trends Flyer

Seating is limited, so please register in the CAIZ website so save your spot! Go to, then ‘Register for Classes,’ then go to the ‘Employment Services’ section and then choose ‘Current Trends in Resumes,′ which will occur during 9:00 am to 11:00 am on October 26th

The workshop will be presented by Lin Morgan and will be held at SETA, 925 Del Paso Blvd., Sacramento, 95815 in the Board Room.

Contact Rachel Sattel with any questions regarding this workshop. 916.263.6677 or

Auxiliary aids and services are available for persons with disabilities, To request an accommodation to attend and/or participate in this event, please contact Rachel Sattel at 916.263.6677 or 2 weeks prior to the event.

Due to susceptibility of some attendees to allergic reactions, please limit the use of heavily perfumed products while attending this event.

Thank you so much for your understanding!


See you there!


Rachel Sattel

CAIZ Team Chair

Sacramento Employment and Training Agency

925 Del Paso Blvd., Suite 100

Sacramento, CA 95815


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