SETA Receives Proposition 39 Clean Energy Job Creation Funding

SETA/Sacramento Works, Inc. and Golden Sierra Job Training Agency received funding from the California Workforce Investment Board to provide pre-apprenticeship training aligned with Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) developed by the National Building Trades Council. The training will be in partnership with American River STRIPE program, Northern California Construction Training and the California Conservation Corps and will be focused on meeting the regional construction and energy efficiency occupational demand.   SETA and Golden Sierra received $500,000 to train and place 45 job seekers. The target group is 18-24 year old youth, disconnected adults and veterans.

This grant will align with the Priority Worker program that SETA is implementing in partnership with the Sacramento Kings, the Sacramento Sierra Building Trades Council, and the Community Workforce Pipeline. The applicants for the Priority Worker program will also be considered for enrollment in the Proposition 39 program.

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