CalJOBS Updates – 30 day data entry requirement

CalJOBS Updates – 30 day data entry requirement

With the transition from the JTA system to the CalJOBS system the state has issued a new data entry requirement.

The new requirement:

Data must be entered within 30 days of the activity start date.  All activities not entered within the allotted time frame will not upload to the state system.

Example:  If a customer is starting training on 6/1/2014, the activity must be entered by 6/30/2014.

Another way to view this is an activity cannot be back dated more than 30 days from the day of entry.

Example:  If an activity is being entered on 5/17/2014, the system will only allow back dating to 4/18/2014.

This new requirement will be implemented immediately.  You will be informed of any further updates, if they should come up.

Thank you in advance for all your hard work.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SacWorksSupport.

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