Announcement of Workforce Development Department Manager

SETA announced the promotion of two new Managers in the Workforce Development Department Management Team, Terri Carpenter and Michelle O’Camb. Both candidates are long-term SETA employees and have worked their way up the ranks to these management positions.

Terri started her career working with the private sector summer youth program, then as a Marketing Specialist and Supervisor in Employer Services and most recently as SETA’s Public Information Officer. In her capacity as PIO she has provided management support to the Workforce Management Team, most recently with the OJT/Subsidized Employment and Regional Industry Cluster of Opportunity grants.

Michelle started her career as support staff to the in-house OJT program. She promoted to become an employment and training analyst and gained experience in contracts, planning and monitoring. She has served as a supervisor and Program Officer responsible for the Refugee Services, Disability Employment Initiatives, and Victims of Trafficking grants and the Contracts unit. Michelle is designated the Refugee Coordinator for Sacramento County.

Robin Purdy, Deputy Director

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